Cloudience Managed Private Cloud



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Push away from endless hours of website work and reclaim precious time.

Stop endless & wasteful time spent on your website

Let Cloudience take care of that. Small business entrepreneurs can spend hours a day unproductively on website & marketing changes. New designs, images, video & security updates can drain your day. WebUnlimited is a web concierge and design team in your back pocket. Just send over new ideas and changes by email and the work gets done. We help you make changes to your website in response to product, service or market trends. Keep you website in sync with every other marketing campaign. 

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IT Support
Managed Web Services

Performance & SEO

Cloudience keeps your website plugins, themes, and database up to date, boosting both security and performance. Added to that, your WebUnlimited site sits on an SSD, performance VPS server with NGNX handling server side caching to speed things up even further. We’ll build your site to perform much better on Google with the right url structure, title and meta tags along with a sitemap showing Google a clean architecture. 

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Security & Compliance

We place your site behind a secure firewall whose rules and policies are updated to fight all known and some zero day threats. We equip your site with an unlimited SSL certificates. Updates to your plugins offer additional protection from vulnerabilities. We also include DKIM, SPF and DMARC records to minimize spoofing and harden your email security.

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Dark Web Monitoring
Cloud NVR Backup

Website Backups

Cloudience performs necessary backups including server snapshots ensuring that all the work invested in the site can be retrieved even in the event of a catastrophic failure or zero day attack.

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network security1

Full or Co-Managed

IT Support Services

We look after your team and business 24/7 so you can operate secure, productive and confidently.

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